Friday, July 15, 2011

BIRTH OF A NEW BLOG: and Eight Pound gets a Facebook Page!

       That aforementioned vacation from blogging after the Valken event is really not happening. In my time off I've gone and started another blog which I decided I should give a plug to right here and see if I can scare up just a little bit of readership for it. What is it? Boy, I do feel like just a little bit of a poser sharing it here but it's a longboard blog. I live on the side of a mountain and ever since my bike was stolen from under my apartment last year, I've been looking for a means of getting around town which wouldn't break the bank and could be tucked away in my closet. The solution? In my case it's going to be sidewalk surfing. I've actually never ridden one so I'm taking a gamble in purchasing one and the new blog is my way of documenting my attempt to learn as much about longboarding as I do about paintball. I figured a good day by day journal of a regular joe who knows very little about it going in might be nice for others interested in picking it up. If you want to follow along you can expect to see the same type of writing and articles as you see here. Less in the way of reviews, more in the way of stories. EDIT: wow do I ever feel dumb, I suppose the url might help for sharing it, eh?
        Also, Eight Pound Ops is going to get a Facebook page! Or I mean to say it actually has one right as I type this. I'll be setting up the news feed there to automatically publish articles from here and those on the page will be able to read the material from the blog as soon as it's published. If you like the content found here, become a fan and invite your friends, it means a lot and the reception this blog has had has been much more positive than I imagined it would be. Seeing a nice healthy number of daily views makes it all worth it and propels me onward to do more.
       I know that the last couple posts on here haven't been too paintball newsy but I have a few in the pipeline which are. Two Epic Story Times which I'm saving for a rainy day, a review, two addendum reviews, an interview, and a podcaster told me I should put a more personal introductory post up for readers to "relate better" so expect a masturbatory 'about me' post coming soon, probably for post fifty.
       Don't be a bonus baller!

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