Monday, May 30, 2011

Still a Total Slacker...

       We're a month into the summer holidays here in Kamloops and I'm already way behind where I wanted to be with the blog. I really figured I'd have enough free time once that last exam ended that I'd be able to have about eight posts up but I'm sitting at about two new ones if you include this one included in the tally. On the bright side, I'm gearing up for something pretty huge, so big it's probably going to add more than 25% more content to what I already have on here, not to mention it's going to hit over a very short period of time, which should keep current readers happy and hopefully generate enough activity to pull in some new readers so stay tuned for that, you'll definitely know it when you see it. In the interim period I have a review of some Oakley Factory Pilot gloves which I'm working on even as I'm writing this; that post I should have up this week.
       I'm planning on making a change to how I so addendum reviews of new products I have received and not put through any very serious trials by fire. I was initially thinking of doing follow ups for one or two products in a month or two's time, instead I'm going to do a rapid fire series of follow ups at the end of the season, and compare similar products I tested in each post.
       Last thing before I leave you for a day or two: Google was nice enough to send a 100$ credit for advertising the blog. I thought this was pretty cool since nothing quite like that has happened to me as recognition for extra curricular work so the blog will definitely keep on rocking with some better advertising soon, at least for a little while.
       Keep pwning speedballers and I'll bring more posts and reviews soon!

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